Tristis De Ellendeh

Underground manifest and mythology narrator

Underground manifest and mythology narrator

(auto-translated from Dutch)

A very heavy and cult manifest reminiscent of the past 200 years and a cult mythology based on Lautreamont and Huysmans needs to be read out loud for coming publication on CD, these sentences are long and deep. So AI for now will not do. If i don't find anyone then yes, but as its an artisan based manifest and mythology it would have been nice to have a woman read it.

What do we offer?
Some bits amount of money 200 400, i'll see what i can do.

professionele productie / lowbudget


A very young sensual voice but you need to also be very bright to convey the layers in the text. They are long sentences with a lot of comma's.

Job requirements / profile
Good voice, whispering, voice acting

Language requirements

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Expires 08-11-2024